Article - Profile on Bep Pantoja-Cedillo


Please take into consideration the following: Bep Pantoja-Cedillo possesses what, in any other person, would be lethal levels of positivity. Be assured, this is no overstatement. If Bep were a boxer poised to take down all the negativity in this world they would do it quick and fast,

one hit, two hit, three,

à la Muhammad Ali. Even in a metaphor, it's hard to imagine someone like Bep throwing as much as a light slap. They thrive on optimism, sip it, because

Bep Pantoja-Cedillo is not interested in any cynical bullshit.

Picture this: Oldest of four, first of the family to graduate high school. Both can be said about Bep, both describe Bep, but neither defines them. Bep is a graduate of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School (yes, that is the Fame high school), but that too defines neither them, nor their art. Art itself doesn’t define Bep.

Bep Pantoja-Cedillo defines art.

Born and bred to be a creator, don’t ask when they decided to become an artist. Just as,

Lupita had long eyelashes,

Kimberly had twisted teeth,

And Amy was lanky,

Bep was an artist.

Even from the first kindergarten drawing (a dolphin, so the story goes), Bep was an artist. Since the first television cartoon, Bep, sitting beside, utterly hypnotized, was an artist. Their parent’s knew and supported this, asked only that their children grow success in equal measures that they grow happiness.

And so, Bep is an artist.

Picture this: Art as a one-way bus ticket into a dimension of the unknown. Bep thrives off the inconceivable, envision the impossible and, through art, make it so.

The biggest threat to Bep and those alike them is us. The commercialism of art, the pressure to produce and to be noticed and to be loved. The belief that you have to be the best to be valuable, and if you’re the best, then values don’t matter. We create art that destroys art.

Bep creates art that makes art.

So, please, take into consideration the following: Bep Pantoja-Cedillo’s art is poised to punch your ticket and drive you to cosmos never before known. Be assured, this is no overstatement.

Now get on that bus.